Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Week 7: Thing #17

Why are wikis useful?

Wikis encourage collaborative learning and information sharing.
They increase student engagement and participation.

I can use wikis for any project. It helps the students to collaborate, add/share information almost simultaneously.

Without wikis in the past, we often had to email many drafts to one another to edit information for any school project. This resulted in many drafts and many emails to delete as well. Of course, it adds confusion. In the end, we often wondered which is the final draft. So having a wiki would eliminate all of these problems, and enables students to work more effectively.

Week 7: Thing #16 Wikis

I have always thought (even until now) that wikis = wikipedia. That is because wikipedia is The most famous wiki, I guess. I now realise that wikipedia is actually an encyclopedia that anyone can edit and what about wikis? The definition of wiki (from wikipedia of course):

A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language.Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites.

So wikipedia is not the only wiki of course, but it is definitely one of the best known ones. It is also very useful as any google search usually list Wikipedia as one of the top searches.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Week 6: Thing #15 Creative Commons and Copyrights


I obtained most of the information on Creative Commons in the website above.

I would summarise the difference between copyright and creative summons by saying that copyright equates "All Rights Reserved", whereas Creative Commons is "Some or No Rights Reserved".

Creative Commons licensing provides an avenue for the copyright owner to allow sharing of his copyrighted works to the public through standardized forms of permission, attached to the work itself so as to release the copyright owner from individually granting licenses to those who would request permissions, if he/she desires so.

There are six different licenses under Creative Commons depending on how one wants to share his work. The website above shows the six different licenses. The licensee can share, remix, adapt the work of the owner as long as the owner is credited. Some of the licenses only allows the work to be shared but do not allow commercial use or change to the original work.

Week 6: Thing #14 Technorati

I have signed up for an account on Technorati - gosh, I would have so many accounts by the time I finish this Web 2.0 thingy...I have kept a notebook to record these accounts.
I played around with the Technorati website and concluded that it was not too useful for me. When I searched for tags like babies, I get mainly sites from like celebrity sites (like Ashlee Simpson has turned blond aain) which aint too useful if I had wanted to get some information about erm, babies. I guess when you tag your blog with a particular description, it means that it is easier for one to search the blog.

Week 6: Thing #13 - Delicious

Now I find this very useful indeed. I uses to have to "add to favourites" in the internet explorer if I frequent a website. I would have to do this for every internet explorer on every computer that I use: one at work, one at school and more if I were to access other computers as well. This website allows you to bookmark frequently accessed websites which you can access anywhere since the bookmarks are web based. Really cool and I find it very useful and time saving indeed.

Thing #12: Rollyo

Here is the link to my Rollyo search bar. Played around and managed to get the link.


It's interesting to use, but normally I prefer to just search the whole web. It's good if you are familiar with a particular website and only want to narrow your search to that website.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Things #8 and #9

Now, I have found out that this Web 2.0 thingy is tougher than I thought. I have actually spent a total on two hours for four things. Maybe I am just slow... , my eyes are getting blurry now. Anyway, I have signed up for Google reader and subscribed to a few news sites and classroom learning sites and of course, my passion - baking and recipe sites.

One of the articles related to classroom learning is the use of internet in the classroom. According to a project in America, the internet is now a major resource for helping people make big decisions. Individuals are consulting the internet for advice on a variety of issues including "helping others cope with a major illness, make major investments or financial decision, looking for a school, a new place to live in etc.

What are the implications to us, educators? We must first acknowledge that the internet is indeed a powerful tool with 24/7 accessibility, immediate responses and anonymity. It is also a low cost alternative to professional consultants.
We should not only equip students with essential technology skills (which most students have here since they are all required to buy a laptop) but teach them how they can decipher fact from fiction on the internet to prevent them from making flawed decisions based on misleading or inaccurate information.

Lastly, one statement that strikes me from this article: "Seeking advice on the internet is like eating at a cheap buffet - although there is endless supply, only some are good and even fewer are good for you."

News article

Credit Suisse Posts Loss, Cuts 5,300 Jobs

Not again!! Yet another major bank cuts jobs in this economic downturn. This one is from the investment banking arm. Albeit in Zurich, some employees in the Singapore office may also be affected by the cuts...Gloom and doom.

Things #10 and #11

Jumping the gun! I find it more interesting to do Things #10 and #11 first.

I created a fun image using an image generator at http://www.customsigngenerator.com/. Only problem I faced was that when I wanted to change the photo, I can't seem to upload a new photo cos' the previous one was automatically saved. So here's the pic....!

He's cute, so I wanted to do something cuter for him. I played around with the image generator and decided on this frame: his photo in a TV. I think it fits nicely into the TV screen.
Web 2.0 awards
I picked out this site from the list of Web 2.0 awards 2008 - http://www.imcooked.com/. Interesting receipes there. Here's one really interesting video which teaches you how to toast a ham and cheese sandwich WITHOUT an oven in the hotel room - with an IRON!. The sandwich looks really delicious...not sure if I would try this process out myself though. Go to this website to check out the interesting video.
Ning network
I have also joined a ning network - Baking Tips is the name of the network.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 3: Thing #7 My obsession with Canon IXUS 80

I love my camera. It's small and handy, useful for ANY occasions. My kids are spontaneous beings. I am able to take a photo of them quickly with this camera if I catch them in cute actions. The video function is cool too! It's value for money!

Week 3: Thing #6 My Flickr website


Pictures of the NP library are included in there!

Week 3: Thing #5 Fun images

Here is a cute image that I love. These two boys love and hate each other. It's a love-hate relationship. They can be fun and yet irritating at the same time. They are boys of irony. Without them, it is peaceful yet eerily quiet. With them, it's fun but noisy. Disciplining and correcting them is a time of love and heartache at the same time. Boys....

Week 2: Thing #3 My Feelings about Blogs

I confess. I love reading blogs. I love knowing about other people's lives. It is as if some are sharing their intimate details about their lives for all to read. Blogs were like public diaries when it first started. A few years ago, I started my own blog and shared my photos, and documented my day to day life. Due to lack of time, I stopped updating it.

Now people use blogs for everything: documenting their lives, sharing photos, selling things, for sprees, sharing information....it is indeed a really powerful tool of communication and information.

Now that we are taking classroom learning 2.0, blogs also have another function: tracking our progress through the course!

Week 1: Thing #1 and #2

Finally, I had time to read through the pages of classroom learning 2.0 and 7 habits of lifelong learners. I took this course, knowing it's an online course, but was indeed surprised that we had like 23 things to do over 9 weeks! Wow!

First habit, begin with a goal in mind: Being quite a web idiot, as you can see from the title of this blog, I am not quite tech savvy. I wanted to take this course to be more aware of the online tools that I can use before I can even use it for my classes. I think I would achieve this objective here.

Anyone who is still willing to learn, would have some habits of lifelong learning in them. Of course, I would like to have all the habits, it's definitely never too late to learn anything!