Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 1: Thing #1 and #2

Finally, I had time to read through the pages of classroom learning 2.0 and 7 habits of lifelong learners. I took this course, knowing it's an online course, but was indeed surprised that we had like 23 things to do over 9 weeks! Wow!

First habit, begin with a goal in mind: Being quite a web idiot, as you can see from the title of this blog, I am not quite tech savvy. I wanted to take this course to be more aware of the online tools that I can use before I can even use it for my classes. I think I would achieve this objective here.

Anyone who is still willing to learn, would have some habits of lifelong learning in them. Of course, I would like to have all the habits, it's definitely never too late to learn anything!

1 comment:

Murray said...

Hi Bren. Great start to your blog. The photos really add to it. Yes, I can see your frustration with your boys - but you love'em too!