Thursday, December 4, 2008

Things #8 and #9

Now, I have found out that this Web 2.0 thingy is tougher than I thought. I have actually spent a total on two hours for four things. Maybe I am just slow... , my eyes are getting blurry now. Anyway, I have signed up for Google reader and subscribed to a few news sites and classroom learning sites and of course, my passion - baking and recipe sites.

One of the articles related to classroom learning is the use of internet in the classroom. According to a project in America, the internet is now a major resource for helping people make big decisions. Individuals are consulting the internet for advice on a variety of issues including "helping others cope with a major illness, make major investments or financial decision, looking for a school, a new place to live in etc.

What are the implications to us, educators? We must first acknowledge that the internet is indeed a powerful tool with 24/7 accessibility, immediate responses and anonymity. It is also a low cost alternative to professional consultants.
We should not only equip students with essential technology skills (which most students have here since they are all required to buy a laptop) but teach them how they can decipher fact from fiction on the internet to prevent them from making flawed decisions based on misleading or inaccurate information.

Lastly, one statement that strikes me from this article: "Seeking advice on the internet is like eating at a cheap buffet - although there is endless supply, only some are good and even fewer are good for you."

News article

Credit Suisse Posts Loss, Cuts 5,300 Jobs

Not again!! Yet another major bank cuts jobs in this economic downturn. This one is from the investment banking arm. Albeit in Zurich, some employees in the Singapore office may also be affected by the cuts...Gloom and doom.

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