Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week #9: Thing #20, 21 and 22 (RSS feeds)

I am currently subscribed to news articles from channelnewsasia as I do not subscribe to any hardcopy papers. News relating to Singapore attracts me and here are two which I have picked up:

SIA says to reduce all business flights

The global economy downturn has affected most businesses, as demand for consumer products and services has reduced. This reduction in demand has caused some businesses to cut back on expenditure and business trips, which in turn affected business flights to NY and LA. The shows how a reduction in demand from consumers affects the whole economy and unless a stimulus package is in place, consumer demand would continue to fall and cause a downward spiral in the economy. Hopefully, the recent Singapore Budget 2009 will go a long way to increase consumer spending again and also help businesses, especially SMEs, to survive the downturn by reducing the business expenses.

S$4.5b to be spent in next 10 years to revamp primary school system

This is radical news. In a few years time, primary school kids may not need to take exams anymore. They will be assessed on project work and oral presentations. Doesn't this sounds like a system for the older kids. As a parent of a 4 year old child, I am keenly following the developments of the revamp of the pirmary school education as this would have a direct impact on my son's future. I am not too sure how this would affect him, but am of the view that yes, exams are ultimately not the best way to assess a child. However, it is too early to tell if scraping primary school exams are the way to go.

Thing#21: Podcasts

I know what podcasts are since we all do surf the internet and get audio files once in a while. I am interested in creating my own podcasts because i think it should be fun. A search on the internet reveals many websites that teach you how to create your own podcasts and even youtube videos are available to show you how to. I think I may be able to use it as an elearning tool, or maybe I could use it to record my lectures for students to playback?? Here's one of the websites:

Thing #22 Ebooks

Our very own National Library site has lots of ebooks!

Some of the ebooks are available for free downloads and for the rest, you have to pay a fee to read the ebooks. It's so convenient to download and read an ebook. However, my preference is still for the traditional old way - a hardcopy book for me to read on the bus or train. It beats staring at the computer screen isn't it? ebooks will never completely replace hardcopy books but it has some advantages, like you cut down on paper and svaes more trees? You also get instant access to information anywhere.

I personally think that eBible is good too. I can go directly to the verse that I am looking for by searching for a key word.

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